Life is surprising

This morning I woke up a mess. I hardly slept at all. Everything hurt. I knew I was in trouble when I heard

a Fleetwood Mac song and just started bawling for no real reason. I wanted to curl up but I noticed I

really needed to unfurl and fly. So off for my walk in the humid 80 degree weather. The first lap or two was quit painful. Hips, back, leg ,knee and feet ached. So it was a slow shuffle , one foot of front of the

other mind mostly blank. Then I saw her far away , way up in a tree. She was sky high and shrilling out.

Singing loud and louder. My friend the white grey hawk was about and her children where ridding the

the air currents. Soaring and swooping . The joy that shot from them into me is indescribable . Before

I knew it my pace picked up. My aches were gone . I was walking with purpose now to find them again.

To watch the gift that I have been given . That is the reason for my daily walks to see God’s majesty . To

find it in the wind ,sun , birds and flowers . Then to find me and joy.

a rare find

I totally forgot about this site. I have been dying to write again. I miss my daily blogs that I used to wrote at Sparkpeople . In a few short weeks I am going on vacation. I have to remember to have fun before I

go . I must be thankful for every moment, every breathe , and every sunrise,.

Tuesday I start babysitting my grandson again. What a blessing he is . A real angel. He had two heart surgeries and is doing well. Don’t know how his momma does it. Sometimes I look at him and I could

just cry with joy. Life is surely a gift. It is full of wonder and mystery . It has many turns and bumps .

It’s my life and I will enjoy every second.

Be proud

“Make yourself proud.” Peter W . Smith

Today my son went grocery shopping for us, He bought a lot of healthy food. So tonight I made

baked chicken tenders, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, peppers onions and tomatoes, I also made

corn on the cob. My husband and son were watching a baseball game and did not come in to eat.

It’s all good cause dinner was delicious and I now have leftovers for tomorrow. The potatoes and

peppers will go nice in an omelet , The leftover tenders will taste yummy in an healthy salad. Lastly

the corn can go into the 16 bean soup I am making tomorrow, Yes I am proud and happy , I can turn

a negative right around , Hope you all have a great night and remember you only have yourself to make

proud all others don’t really matter , Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living


“Have faith in yourself and in the future” Ted Kennedy

Getting excited in a few short days getting my other cataract done.

Shortly Ill be driving and maybe working again. I know I will have more

faith in my self . I am already getting more done and became more positive.

It was a challenge not seeing feeling closed in and slightly trapped. Not liking

looking for others for help , rides etc. People helping you when you can’t see lol let’s just say dogs are far superior. Hubby left me in the car and was already

in house after my prior operation. My eye was really taped up and I cant see much from the other. But soon that will all be a memory and I will have my

independence again. The future looks good. I hope for you too . Keep looking

for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living


“Begin anywhere ” John Cage

No exercise for me today , not much of anything. Spent awhile at the eye specialist this morning. He took the stiches out of my right eye that he operated on 9 days ago. I can now read the littlest letters on the eye chart .

I can watch tv without my glasses.

He also gave me a steroid shot in my left eye which he will operate on Wednesday. So no walking just relaxing all day and no shower until

tomorrow .

I did real awesome with my eating so that is good, So see you can always start anywhere, Just start . Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living

Happy anniversary

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how “. Fredrich Nietzsche

Today was our 32 year anniversary and I spent it babysitting for my daughter and watching my adorable grandson. He threw up on me twice but that is what

to expect for a baby with acid reflux. I did get him to smile a time or two,

Later we stopped at a lovely diner in town and got some great chicken tenders and sweet potato fries. Just our style, I love takeout far better than eating in,. Just now with my taking anti immunity drugs better to stay far away from people.

When I am off my methotrexate and steroids for my uveitis and cataracts then

will have a nice meal out. Right now heartburn is my new friend . Hope you all have a great week and keep Looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living


“Its not the mountain we conquer , but ourselves ,” Sir Edmund Hillary

Watch a three month old day and he won. Exhausted and feel like crying

Tomorrow is a new day .

Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living

Great Job

” Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keep doing a great job cause it will lead to more success and happiness.

Keep reaching those little goals because it will lead to bigger and better ones,

One step forward , one small goal , one thing accomplished. Yes reward yourself your on the way to success.

Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living

opportunity awaits

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity ” Albert Einstein

I have been struggling lately. I have uveitis, an eye disease that causes inflammation in the front back or middle of the eye. My eyes have hit the

mother load. So I have been on methotrexate that zaps my energy and

makes me nauseous . I have now been put on steroids both oral and drops and have had my first operation for cataracts. It is super great to be able to

type this without glasses. It would be nice to feel well every day and not have

headaches , body aches and feel listless and tired.

It’s been a great time for me to fine tune my eating habits as I don’t want to

get the lovely weight gain that goes with steroids. Next week I get my other

eye operation. I am hoping to be able to drive after a time again and maybe

even work a little. My big goal is to see my family especially my grandson.

When life gets hard keep looking for new opportunities. Keep looking for Hugs,

Happiness and Healthy Living .

Adventure awaits

‘The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams’

Oprah Winfrey

Today is a sad day 20 years ago the towers fell with a lot peoples hopes and dreams. We remember and honor them .

I have always loved to tell stories and make people laugh. Yes , shy quiet little

me would still reach out and try to make someone’s life better even though many times I couldn’t do a thing for myself.

My favorite line in high school was,” Do you want to hear a story it was so

funny. ” Now I don’t have an audience anymore but I still try to instill humor

when I can . Mostly I am glad to be here writing stories nightly not sure if I

have an audience or not, Just trying to bring some hope and happiness into

others lives.

Tuesday I get to watch my grandson again and yeah there is when the real

dream comes true. So I hope you get to live some dreams too. Keep looking

for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living