
The expert in anything was once a beginner .

I raised two beautiful intelligent children .

Now watching my grandson i feel like a beginner .

He is new and exciting, He comes with a ton of

pillows, and gadgets and bopses , wub a nubs ,

all things I never had raising my children, Today he was

in two different swings that moved different and played

all kinds of tunes and noises, He was also in a dock a tot .

Lol this crazy grandma will get there with love, Anthony

is a dream and an angel baby ,

Whatever your doing you’ll get there with practice , Keep

looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living

The Struggle

The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you

will need tomorrow .

Today was so hot and muggy and it started off in a deluge of water .

Part of my town and the highway was flooded causing accidents,

Is soon as the rain stopped I started a slow lazy walk I managed

a half hour walk and hit the water hard on my return home,

I managed the laundry and hung it out, Then I retreated to my

room where I drank a cool glass of iced tea under the ceiling fan.,

. The tea made the glass weep lazy trails, I was

lost in a good book all afternoon but my depression was lightly

calling in the background.

I forced myself forward and attempted making supper, As I diced the peppers and onions I began to sweat and the drops rolling of my hair mixed with my

tears. My heart was not into my dinner , A slow ache has entered my heart,

It has been a struggle to make it retreat,

Whatever you are struggling with don’t give up. Tomorrow is a new day

Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living



If you believe in yourself anything is possible

Now that sparkpeople is closed ill be writing my blogs here.

I spent a lovely day at Sara’s learning how to take care of her

son and my grandson Anthony, Its going to be hard but i can do

it for us both. Life is different now waiting to see when and if I can

see better after cataract surgery . Do I have the stamina to look after

Anthony, I have to believe,, Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and

Healthy Living

Tough it out

“Tough times never last , but tough people do , “

Robert H. Schuller

Spent the day with Sara and Anthony he is going through

a growing spurt , Which is challenging because he also has


We went for a walk around the senor complex in her town .

Nice gorgeous site, I found out i am out of shape though ,

Huge hill there had me huffing and puffing,

It was a good day learning all about my two year old


Hope you all learn to be tough like my grandson Anthony

spent 40 days ine icu and had heart surgery and we complain

about the little things

Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living