Be a River

A river cuts through a rock not because of its power ,

but because of its persistence,

Today I awoke to another uveitis flare. My head was throbbing

my eye sight cloudy and my eye scratchy weepy and painful,

Figures I am supposed to get my cataracts operated on and

now its back trying to steal my sight yet again,

On top of that a hurricane is in our path, set to hit tomorrow .

We have little money or supplies . On top of all that we have

to be at my daughters to watch my grandson Monday at 7 am,

So I have to be persistent in my positive thoughts that all will be

fine, That God has me in his arms and all will be well, Just like

you all do each and every day . Stay persistent in thinking positive

thoughts, happy thoughts , joyous thoughts. Keep looking for Hugs,

Happiness and Healthy Living

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