Let your heart lead

Wherever you go , go with all of your heart. Confucius.

I really put my heart in my walk today . I hummed and sang to myself

my favorite songs playing in my head. I listened to the birds and their songs

I marveled at their flight, their pretty colors. I was enchanted by the clouds

and the ultra blue sky with the twinkling sun up above and the cool breeze.

I put my heart into my wash as I hung it on the line, Looking up at the trees

as they swayed and how the sun dimpled the garden in light.

I put my heart in my dinner tonight, I took the food from the food share and

turned it into a master piece Onion chicken , with roasted cauliflower , broccoli and carrots , corn on the cob all made with a little extra love and a song in my

heart. I even made dessert a blackberry crisp , Humming to myself and thinking

happy thoughts of how lucky I am , Taking care of out health I added less sugar

and butter, i hope you took your heart with you today ,. Keep looking for Hugs, Happiness and Healthy Living

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